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EI’s Migration Expertise – Convert Your Legacy eLearning Courses and Create High-impact Training


Adobe will no longer support Flash after December 2020. Hence, important trainings created in Flash will become obsolete. This is a key challenge faced by L&D teams. They may decide to retire some of the courses.

For the balance, there are two options:

  1. Converting the Flash-based content to HTML5 (technology uplift).
  2. Redesigning the content (look and feel change with technology uplift).

EI’s expertise and repeated success in solving this challenge for L&D teams helps them identify a strategy that fits the required training objectives, budgets, as well as meets the deadline of migration before 2020 ends.

Take a look at this video where we show you how you can use this opportunity to not only migrate your legacy courses to HTML5 but also enhance their value by redesigning them. We share our approach that will help you create an efficient and high-value roadmap for migration.



We will partner with you as you migrate your legacy eLearning content.

Whether you have the source files or otherwise, our team can help you in:

  • Flash to HTML5 migration at scale with speed.
  • Modernizing your legacy courses with more immersive learning strategies.
  • Re-building courses and learning resources in Next-Gen formats.

Want more? Book a free consultation with us to see how we can help you convert your legacy eLearning Courses and create high-impact trainings.

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