
How To Enhance The Impact Of Your Corporate Training With Next Gen Gamification Solutions

This eBook provides insights and examples that you can use to step up the motivation, engagement, and impact of your corporate training.

Till a few years ago, the impact of Gamification-based training had a big question mark associated with it. While Gamification provides fun-based learning to users, does it indeed help them achieve a specific learning outcome?

Gamification for serious learning has made steady progress in the last 4-5 years and is being acknowledged as an effective approach for various types of corporate trainings.

  • Learners love Gamification as it provides the element of “fun” with serious learning.
  • Organizations see the value in its usage for sticky learning, application on the job, practice and nudges to mastery, and driving the required behavioral change.
  • With the reduction in development costs and shorter time frame to develop, L&D teams will see higher value in this investment in 2019.

Gamification for learning is a great approach to boost the motivation and engagement quotient. To take that learner engagement level a notch higher, what you should be looking at is not just standard Gamification elements but Next Gen Gamification approaches.

Don’t just challenge your learners with points, badges, and leaderboards. In this eBook, I outline 4 Next Gen Gamification techniques and strategies that you can use and see your training impact soar.

eBook Overview

  1. Section 1

    – What is Gamification?
    – Myths and facts
    – Examples

  2. Section 2

    – What are the benefits it offers for corporate training or serious learning?
    – Why should you adopt Gamification as a significant strategy to engage your employees and boost performance?

  3. Section 3

    – What are the Next Gen Gamification solutions?

  4. Section 4

    – What are the key approaches in Next Gen Gamification solutions that you can practically use?
    – Examples

  5. Section 5

    – A showcase of techniques and supporting examples on how you can use Next Gen Gamification solutions.

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