
How Can You Leverage On Social Learning For Corporate Training

Gain insight on how you can incorporate Social Learning into your learning strategy and ensure quantifiable gains for the employees as well as the business. 

While the buzz on adoption of Social Learning by organisations is new, the concept has been around for over five decades now. The current dynamics (advent of social media channels, technology and changing learner profiles) have accelerated its adoption by organisations now.

Through this eBook, we provide several insights on Social Learning and why it should be a part of your learning strategy. We have structured the eBook into the following six sections that would address the complete spectrum of your queries.

eBook Overview

  1. Section 1: Social Learning Basics

    This section covers the basic aspects of Social Learning-from its definition to its relevance (given the way we learn). It also outlines several misconceptions that are associated with it.

  2. Section 2: Social Learning Benefits

    This sections lists the key benefits of Social Learning both for the learners as well as the businesses.

  3. Section 3: Adopting Social Learning

    This section looks at important aspects like why Social Learning works and hence why you should evaluate it and adopt it. It also provides useful cues on what kinds of programs would benefit from using Social Learning.

  4. Section 4: Integrating Social Learning into your corporate strategy

    This section touches upon aspects like how can you enhance your current learning strategy by integrating Social Learning. It also captures that in this process, how can you demonstrate gains for both learners and businesses.

  5. Section 5: Implementing Social Learning

    This section outlines two important aspects that would be useful in practically integrating Social Learning in your organization. These include the approach you could adopt (including success factors that can help you increase the impact) and a Case Study to see the value Social Learning can create.

  6. Section 6: Leveraging on Social Learning to boost other trainings

    This section showcases how techniques like Microlearning can gain from leveraging on the power of Social Learning.

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